New York History


The Lenaple

The Lenaple are group of several organized bands of Native American people with shared cultural and linguistic characteristics.

Christophe Columbus

Christophe Columbus was the one who discovered the New World on October 12, 1492.



Giovanni Da Verrazano


Giovanni Da Verrazano was the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America.

Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson was the first explore and navigator of the Henry River.

The Dutch

The Dutch were the first colonizer of Manhattan

were the first colonizer of Manhattan

The British  

The British overthrew the Dutch permanently in 16644. 

George Washington

George Washington was the first president of The United State from 1789 to 1797.

Peter Minuit

Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island for about $24in 1626.

.Peter Zenger

Peter Zengerwas the publisher of a newspaper of New York weekly Journal. 1st important victory of liberty of press in America

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves during the civil war. he was the U.S president 16th.

Boss Tweed

Boss Tweedwas infamous figure in NY politics that dominated NYC in the mid-1800 and essentially controlled the Democratic Party in NY during his years of power.



Important dates 


1624 = The Dutch formed Dutch west India Company.

1626 = Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan island.

1664 = The English conquered the area of “New Amsterdam” and renamed it “New York” after the Duke of York and Albany.

= The city was the center for British operation in the French and Indian war.

1765 = The British parliament imposed a Stamp act to help finance the cost of defending the colonies.


1776-1783 = American Revolution


In 1785-1790: NYC was the capital congress left for Philadelphia.
In 1787:
The first in a series of eighty-five essays by "pubius" the pen name of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, appeared in the New York Independent Journal on October27, 1787.
In 1789:
The first president of the United State, George Washington.
In 1792:
Beginning to the NY stock exchange.
In 1825:
City has an economic center with opening of Erie Canal.
In 1835:
Great five of New York broke out.
In 1840’s:
Irish potato famine and German immigration.
In 1861-1865:
The civil war.
In 1863:
A printable chronology of the important events that occurred during 1863, the most slaughter house year of the American civil war.
In 1870-1873:
Melville Ezra Ingalls moved to cinematic in November 1870 and was elected president of the railroad.
In 1883:
The Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883.
In 1886:
Built Statue of liberty (gift by the French to celebrate the centennial).
In 1898:
consolidation of the five boroughs.
In 1920s:
the city saw the influx of Americans as part of the Great Migration from the American South, and the Henlem Renaissance.
In 1903:
The Williamsburg Bridge opened.
In 1904:
The subway opened.                                    In 1909: The Manhattan Bridge opened.
March 25, 1911:
the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in Greenwich Village took the lives of 145 mostly Italian and the Jewish female garment workers. La Guardian’s term also saw the rise of the long-careered planner Robert Moses, bridges, parks and parkways coordinator, and great supporter of automobile-centered modernism, whose legacy of massive construction projects is controversial today.
February 1, 1913:
The world- famous Grand Central Terminal opened as the world's largest train station.
Great peat period of European immigration:
which had only just passed its peak was halted abruptly by the Immigration Act of 1924 which severely limited further immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.
and the first modern musical, Jerome Kern's Show Boat opened in 1927 as the theater district moved north of 42nd street.
The 1920 census
showed Brooklyn for the first time overtaking Manhattan as the most populous borough. 
In 1929:
The roaring Twenties, the decade the led up to the crash, was a time of wealth and excess. However that all ended.The Wall Street crash of 1929.The Great Depression: Affected the rest of the world, began with the stock Market Crash of 1929.       In 1930: The Chrysler Building was compelled.
In 1933:
Republican reformer Fiorello La Guardia was elected mayor.
In 1939:
The New York World's Fair
In 1941:
The US joined the war.
World War 2:
started in1939 the ended in1945.
In 1955:
The civil Rights movement intensifies with the Montgomery bus boycott.
In 1963:
The Equal Pay Act is passed.
In 1968:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Is assassinated.
In 1969:
The Stonewall Riots take place in NYC.
In 1972:
The Equal Employment Opportunity Act is passed.